Holiday musings

so, we’re almost through 🎶 the most wonderful time of the year🎶. it happens to also be the month of my birth, although I won’t tell you what day just yet. needless to say, it’s a busy time of year around here.

i also have somehow managed to book more work in the last three months of this year than i have all year. funny how that happens. just goes to show you, you never know when it will rain.

this morning, i was pondering on the nature of creativity. don’t know about you, but for me, it’s like monsoon season, where i have all the ideas and all the energy to do them. and then there’s the drought, where everything is a slog and i have no new ideas, and i suck at everything.

you know?

how can i harness the power of my monsoon seasons to carry me through the doldrums?

write it down?

nah. i’ll probably lose the paper

put it on a spreadsheet?

more reliable, but somehow kills my creativity

i don’t know what the right answer is for me yet…


ah, what a magical word. one filled with possibilities; pregnant with a future yet untold. yet is a powerful word, my friend. a magical word. it holds within it the vastness of the universe. who knows where i’ll find the answer? but the power of yet means that i will find it. it is inevitable.

i’ll figure it out someday, how to preserve that magical deluge of ideas when it hits. but for now, i’ll take the creative rainy season as it comes and try to spread it as far as i can go.


the january doldrums


should I write a blog?i should write a blog